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Tips To Living A Healthier Lifestyle

Live Healthier, Read This!


Mar 2015


Preventive care is one of the major points for effective healthcare, as it supports the body’s natural ability to heal. This is often compromised by factors within the lifestyle that can contribute to long term risks for overall health. Some of the more common issues that arise from everyday routines can include:

  • Obesity
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Poor nutritional choices
  • Lack of activity
  • Smoking
  • Lack of sleep
  • Emotional wellness

Each of these negative points actually represents an area that can be transformed for healthy living and longevity.


Weight issues are one of the main factors in a number of chronic conditions. These can include:

  • Heart attack
  • High blood pressure
  • Poor circulation
  • Cardiac diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Joint deterioration
  • Chronic exhaustion

Obesity is not only an immediate condition that should be addressed, but is also one that generates a large amount of stress on metabolic function, which is why it can have such deleterious outcomes. Concerns about obesity will generally return to two root causes, which include food choices and activity.

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In many cases, healthier lifestyle choices can include cutting certain foods and drinks out of the diet. Replacing them with more nutritious choices should also be a part of the plan, although this may be a later stage. Initial attempts to rectify the situation can include keeping a food diary to log all that is consumed throughout the day.

Food diaries should be kept for at least a week, as this provides a more accurate overview of the pattern of eating and food choices. Individuals should review these logs and note the following points:

  • Amounts that are eaten
  • Times of day when food is consumed
  • Nutritional values of the foods that are eaten
  • Ingredients in the foods
  • Reasons for eating

This will not only give insight into habits, but will also act as a guide for how changes can be made.

Overall, a reduction in the food that is consumed and the substitution of nutritious whole foods for processed foods can be a good step. Further alterations can come about through eating more smaller meals throughout the day, drinking more water, as thirst is often mistaken for hunger, and remaining aware of when an emotional motivation is dictating eating habits. Journaling should continue through the process of change, as this can also help to be inspiring by charting progress.

Stress and Emotional Health

While these aspect of making a healthy change are often linked, they can still be separate factors in lifestyle. Some individuals may have generally positive emotional health, but can still succumb to stressors in certain situations. Conversely, other people may not be overly stressed, but may still have a negative outlook. However, making active choices to ameliorate one condition can still have a beneficial effect on the other.

One of the primary steps is to evaluate stress levels and to determine their cause. This will also include listing reactions that further heighten the stress of the situation, as it can indicate how people engage in a self-perpetuating cycle. In doing this type of inventory, individuals are also encouraged to come up with positive alternatives to their reactions. This can be an initial way to address both stress and emotional well being.

In some stress situations, there is not always a way to avoid the interaction. When this is the case, people should make a point of taking the time to decompress immediately after the situation. This can include such tools as breathing exercises, visualizations, and even movement to release the stress chemicals from the system. Practicing positive alternative actions instead of reactions in these situations will also be beneficial.

With overall emotional health, the same approach may be used, especially when it concerns appropriate communication with others. Engaging in activities that inspire play, creativity, relaxation, and joy can also be ideal for both addressing stress and emotional health.

Becoming more Active

Although this change can be utilized for weight management as well, it should be a consideration even for people who are within a healthy range. This is because exercise and activity can aid in

  • Cardiovascular health
  • Joint and bone health
  • Better sleep patterns
  • Stress reduction and mental acuity

Both cardiovascular and weight bearing activities should be considered, and these may be engaged in as a separate exercise regimen, or as a part of functional actions throughout the day.

  • Playing with children or pets
  • Taking the stairs instead of an elevator
  • Walking instead of driving
  • Gardening instead of watching television

All of the above are good examples of functional activity, as they will still offer benefits that are similar to exercising even though they are not a formalized approach. These types of changes can also be easier to incorporate into an existing lifestyle, and can often be initial steps that are taken towards greater wellness.

For individuals who are looking to lose weight as well as engage in activity, a combination of at least twenty minutes of cardiovascular activity and twenty to thirty minutes of weight bearing exercises, three to four times a week should be considered. This will also help to improve circulation, bone strength, and emotional wellness.

Learning to Quit

The use of tobacco is also a major contributor to poor health. This includes smokeless products, as nicotine is actually a poison, and can cause gastric distress and heart failure in large amounts. This is also why quitting aids such as nicotine patches should only be used as directed and should not be used while still smoking.

Quitting tobacco products is mostly a psychological challenge, and even with non-nicotine drug aids, it is best if people seek support. This can not only include connecting with others who are in the process of quitting, but can also mean avoiding situations where smoking and tobacco are present.

Sleeping Well

During the sleep process, the body is given a chance to regenerate on a physical level, while the mind has a chance to unwind. It is highly necessary maintain a regular sleep pattern and get adequate sleep in order to have immune, emotional, and overall well-being. This can include getting to bed earlier, avoiding stimulation and caffeine before bedtime, and trusting the body clock instead of an alarm when waking.

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